Stakeholder Engagement
This page provides information on the stakeholder engagement activities carried out to support development of the Geothermal Policy and Legal Framework.
The engagement plan involved round-table meetings with 5 key stakeholder groups. Information about the meetings, presentations and a summary of the main findings are set in the sections below:
1. Local Community Workshops
The stakeholder engagement programme began in Western Uganda, with meetings held in Kasese and Hoima, the respective district centres for the Katwe and Kibiro geothermal prospects. The meetings were as follows:
Kasese District: Rwenzori International Hotel, Kasese. 28th June 2016
Hoima District: Kolping Hotel, Hoima. 29th June 2016
The meetings were attended by a wide range of local representatives including: Village Chiefs (Local Council [LC] I Chairman), various parish representatives (LCII), District Local Government Administrative Chiefs (LCV), Resident District Commanders (RDCs), District Internal Security Officers (DISOs), and several local agencies (National Environment Management Authority) and non-governmental organisations.

Godfrey Bahati, Acting Commissioner, Geothermal Resources Department, welcomes participants (on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, MEMD) Kasese Community Meeting Rwenzori International Hotel, Kasese

Godfrey Bahati, Acting Commissioner, Geothermal Resources Department, outlines geothermal energy exploration activities in Uganda to participants. Kasese Community Meeting Rwenzori International Hotel, Kasese

Group Photo Hoima Community Meeting Kolping Hotel, Hoima

Godfrey Bahati, Acting Commissioner, Geothermal Resources Department, welcomes participants (on behalf of the Permanent Secretary, MEMD) Kasese Community Meeting Rwenzori International Hotel, Kasese
2. Kampala Workshops
The following meetings were held in Kampala at the Kabira Country club Resort, Kampala.
1. Government 4th July 2016
The workshop attracted over 40 participants including senior government representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD); Directorate of Geology , Survey and Mines; Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited (UEGCL); Directorate of Petroleum; Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Limited (UEDCL), Uganda National Council for Science & Technology (UNCST); Ministry of Water and Environment; Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs; and National Environment Management Authority.
2. Development Partners 5th July 2016
The workshop involved various participants including country representatives, senior specialists, investment advisers and project managers from DFID, IFC, UNEP, UNDP and GIZ PREEP.
3. Research and Academia 7th July 2016
The workshop involved a range of participants including heads of departments, professors, lecturers and researchers from Makerere University, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology Ndejje University and representatives of the Geothermal Resources Department.
4. Private Sector 8th July 2016
The workshop involved 14 participants from companies operating in the geothermal sub sector in Uganda alongside representatives of the Geothermal Resources Department. The companies represented include UEDCL, UETCL, Moberge Finance Uganda Limited, Pawakom International Ltd, Moto Geothermal, AAE Systems and GIDS Consult.

Godfrey Bahati, Acting Commissioner, Geothermal Resources Department, outlines geothermal energy exploration activities in Uganda to participants. Government Workshop Kabira Country Club Kampala

Group Photo Government Meeting

Group Photo Research & Academia Meeting

Godfrey Bahati, Acting Commissioner, Geothermal Resources Department, outlines geothermal energy exploration activities in Uganda to participants. Government Workshop Kabira Country Club Kampala
3. Key Findings
A summary of findings from discussions with stakeholders included:
There is a need to better understand geothermal resource potential in Uganda and to accelerate its development. The government needs to take a lead;
The mandate of the Geothermal Resources Department needs clarifying;
Until there is a clear project development opportunity, the government should not rush to establish a new entity responsible for geothermal development (e.g. a parastatal). Broad agreement was reached that a dedicated geothermal policy is warranted given the characteristics of the technology;
Development partners reiterated that there are a number of existing programs that may be utilized to develop geothermal resources in Uganda. An enhanced policy and legal framework will help in making progress with these funding activities;
Private sector has a role to play in resource development. The policy and legal framework needs to promote new methods of cooperation between government and the private sector, and better manage expectations of both parties;
Local communities are supportive of geothermal development, but there is a need to ensure that development is sympathetic of local activities e.g. salt production from geothermal springs, and that benefits are realised locally. It was noted that clear consideration of direct uses of geothermal heat as a catalyst for local industrial development should be included in the policy, in particular in support of agriculture and fisheries activities (e.g. food processing and drying).
There is a need to better coordinate academic research and educational aspects of geothermal energy.